Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Going Home!

Yes that is what you read..... I am going HOME!!!

Dr Muinch came back at noon. He told me that he would like to preform an amniocentesis on me and to put some dye in my uterus! He was worried about the green discharge and wanted to see where it came from. He also wanted to see if I am still leaking because in the ultra sound my fluid is up to 9.1 (YAY) and he said that 9.5 is a low normal. (SO CLOSE!) He seems to think I am very lucky and could have resealed! I never thought I would hear those words. (RESEALED?) I told him that I did not want to do the procedure because the risk of me re-breaking if I had resealed would be against my nature.

He accepted and gave me a long speech about what he thinks I should do and what he would like to happen. He thinks that since I have good fluid that I go home and be closely monitored as I have been. Once a week trips to springs and once a week trips to my Pueblo doctor. He said I could stay in the hospital if I wanted to but he doesn't recommend it because I am doing so well and so is baby. So I told him I would go home and asked him a zillion and one questions because I was paranoid about being put into an emergency situation! He was gracious enough to answer all my questions.

I might still be leaking (i know i am, yesterday i had a small gush) but it looks like I AM healing. He wants me to continue my routine and take it very easy... no getting over confident just yet... but if I am lucky I could go to full term and have a happy, healthy, normal baby. He wants me to make it to 28 weeks and if I have not gained more fluid by then he will stick me in the hospital. Or he will stick me in right away if my fluid reduces to below 5cm.

I can't tell you how elated I am to be healing and to be going back home! It is so much comfier there with my husband and my boy! Even if I still should stay flat and only have bathroom privileges. Pictures to come!


  1. Wow! Such great news. What a blessing! I know this has been hard, but all of your patience has finally paid off.

  2. Yay, this is great news Johanna! You go girl!

  3. Hooray! Best news ever! We're keeping you and your amazing girl in our prayers!

  4. That is such a blessing and tender mercy from the Lord. It goes to show you how much prayer and faith can do. This is such a miracle. Keep up the good work Johanna. You are in our prayers.

    1. Thank you everyone! She really is a miracle! The doctors gave me NO chance for this baby to make it! And now look at her! Can you imgaine if I had followed his instructions to terminate!!!!! Just the thought makes me ill! I am so excited she is doing sooo well and has a great chance!
