Thursday, February 23, 2012

Getting Things Heated!

Did you know there is no proof that bed rest works. No medical entries actually state that bed rest will help you stop preterm labor or keep baby in after your water breaks. I have done too much research on the matter. Many argue that the risks to bed rest out weigh the benefits. In that I can understand!

My family has been separated, split up and disbanded! My children go through so much stress! Husband struggles in school now, I accomplish nothing and watch as the world passes me by. I could get blood clots, I could get infection, I could even get muscle dystrophy, Or have heart problems after this, and depression is a big side affect!

The only thing I have come across that states success in such an adventure is thousands of mothers with success stories. would you like to know the first thing I asked my doctor when this all happened? "Can I drink a lot of water to help?"his reply? "water won't help a thing, no matter what you do, this is going to be a miscarriage. I suggest we induce right away!"

WRONG! I'm sorry to step on your totally smart brain doc but I've done my research and you haven't! Water does more than you can imagine! It keeps the body flushed out, it wards off infection, and it does help in getting amniotic fluid to increase! Don't get me started on the power of gatorade! You would be an idiot to over look my success story! Would I have gotten this far without a gallon of water and gatorade to drink everyday? I highly doubt it! (they even "say" that electrolytes actually rebuild your sack! all here say.... But you get the idea.)

My point is.... Wow, the first thing you can suggest is termination? I know things look grim but i'm a fighter, and I don't give up easily and this baby is a fighter too! Any mother in her right mind and thinking for herself would gladly put herself on the line for her child! The only thing I haven't tried is the suggested method of an amnio infusion! Which i'm glad I haven't done it but if push came to shove..... I would if I felt I had no other choice!

I'm 23 Weeks now! I never thought I would be able to say those numbers this time around. What ever I have been doing is working! Infection free, blood clot free, depression free (for now), and baby had up to 8cm of fluid last checked!! Miracle? I think so! Anytime is better than no time.

I would be stupid not to recognize Gods hand in all this! Every choice I have made had been led by the spirit!! A great number of prayers have been offered up for baby, for me, and even John! We are in his hands completely and entirely!! I can not express how grateful I am to have had this bond with my daughter, to have gone through this trial (please never send me through this again!), and to have learned what I have learned.

Every mother out there... Follow YOUR instincts! Don't ever give up because someone says you have no chance! There is always hope!

1 comment:

  1. That is so crazy that your doctor would tell you that water wouldn't help. I am glad that he was/is wrong and that this baby is a little miracle. This is definitely such a great story that she will love to hear and this creates such a strong bond for the two of you.
